Mon 27 Jan
Sweet Beautiful Dominican Princess - Serve All Fetishes - 18
(Bronx, Boston Rd, Gun Hill Rd, White Plains Rd)
Brrrrr Baby its cold outside let me be the flame that lights your fire ;) ♥912)596-7396 - 24
Sexy Asian and Black Ebony Female Looking to have Good Time baby!!! Out calls - 22
(Bronx, outcall bx and all ova)
MaKe YoUr NeXt MoVe ... YoUr BeSt MoVe ... CaLL ~JADE~ @ 281-507-2008 FoR a TiMe U WoN't FoRgEt ! - 36
(45 & Rankin Rd. (Northside))
its Cherokee / small & petite / slim & sexy / I do parties / up all nite / call me now - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
🔥HOT 💋 Beautiful🎀 💯REVIEWED‼️ Adult Entertainment - 25
(Newport News, Richmond, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
~!~EVERYTHING YOUR WIFE WONT DO~!~ Petite Puerto Rican g.f.e. Vixxen ~!~100 INCALL SPECIALS~!~ - 22
HOT ☼☼☼☼☼☼ HOT ☼☼☼☼☼ B00TYLICIOUS ☼☼☼☼☼ BLONDE ☼☼☼☼☼ BARBIE ☼☼☼☼☼ SASSY & CLASSY ☼☼☼☼☼ PRETTY ☼☼☼☼☼☼ - 37
(Norfolk, █ █ $100 ❤ ALL MEN OF COLOR WELCOME █ █)
Jacksonville **2525033877** Kayla 65/80/140 rates NO TEXTS incall only - 25
(Eastern NC, Jacksonville western blvd)
((★ _MAiN ATTRACTiON_ ★)) ^HOT^ * EXoTiC * PLaYMaTE!! * 100special * - 23
(Houston, HighWay 6 & WESTHeIMER, i-10, KATY area)
M_A_D_E__ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_ U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E! - - 28
(Columbus, private east in call)
💎⛄💎Hey Guys KeNzIe & LiLly WannA PaRtY❄💎❄💎OUt CalLS OnLy❄⛄❄⛄SpEcIaL SpEciaL L - 20
(OutCalls & Incalls, Quad Cities)
Make Sure To Put Me On Your "To-Do" List :-) .... Now Booking Appointments For THURSDAY from 6am - 27
(West Houston Incall .... I-10 @ Eldridge)
Feeling lonely incall specials $65 $75 $100 specials - 19
(Bellflower, Carson, Cerritos, Cerritos bellflower Downey anaheim, City of Long Beach, Compton, Long Beach)
Madi new pictures new pictures... want double the trouble try my sis too 832-891-6168 - 21
(Katy houston)
Exotic Latin Adult Video Star HAVANA GINGER Available For Outcall Only Yes it is Really Me! Book Now - 30
(Anaheim, Beverly Hills, Costa Mesa, Downtown, Hollywood, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Sfv, I.E., Oc,, Orange, Orange County, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Val)
MILF ------ Call "The Love Doctor" -- Jade, & "Nurse" -- Paige ! 281-507-2008 ------- MILF - 36
Sensual Nude 🍒 DREAM GIRL SPA 🍒 Bodyslide ❌ NEW spa Shower ❌ ❌❌ REAL PHOTOS - 23
(Bronx, Long Island, Other, Queens, Westchester, broadway astoria Queens NUDE)
!!!MIAMI sPeCiAl UpScAle ChIcK♤♡♤northside incalls/0utcalls 50 QuIcK sToP!!! - 21
(Houston, INCALL 45 NORTH Houston ALDINE 1960 spri)
LOOK at ME!!! Hot Brunette with a A*W*E*S*O*M*E* BOdy!!ELLE 4 u,, - 27
(Columbus, .Sneek Over..ssh pvt place..north)
★ SUPER SEXY ★ SLIM Brunette Bombshell ★ SPECIALS ALL NIGHT ★ - 27
(Memphis, East Memphis/ Gremantown)
{{_EarLy MorninG BursT_}} COmE OvEr AnD LeT Me WaKe YoU Up ThE RiGhT WaY ((*FEEL ME*)) $80$ - 21
I'M BACK!! New # The ___ HOTTEST ___ LiL __ BLONDE ___ EVER!! ** Available! ** - 22
(Virginia Beach, VB/CHES/NORF (INCALL ONLY))
💋MeGA BuStY❤EBoNY DrEamGirl 🌹StaCKed CuRvY GODDeSS🍓40DD WAtermelons🍉🍓PHaT BuBBl€ B00TY💋60 out - 25
(Columbus, {GOOGLE ME } 614*500*1596 $70 Out Spc)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥Ladies Waiting for You!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥 Your Choice at the Door!! 🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥😘😘😎😎😎 - 26
(Quad Cities)
★■★ Marilyn's WILD Wednesday SPECIAL ●70/30●130/60 ★■★ OUTCALLS ONLY ★■★ - 23
(Houston, Outcalls Houston area)
Mary Jane 100 special for 20 min(346-900-4275) 🌹👑😍💰💁🏼❤️💋 - 19
(45 and 1960, City of Houston, Houston)
💦💥💢 MaKe Me YoUr NaUgHty LiTTLe SeCrEt 🔥YoUnG & ReStLeSS ✨ BlOnDe HoTTiE 💋 FeTish Friendly💦💥� - 22
(Houston, 290/Hollister)
H💣t Ex💋Tic RedB💣nE 50 💋SPECIAL💋 ☆ ↘gσσd ♥ gιяℓ •ωιтh• ηαυghтуу ♥ - 26
-:¦: M -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- D -:¦:- B -:¦:- L -:¦:- O -:¦:- W -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- G - 21
(ocean front in /outcalls&surrounding;)
Hi👋, more flavors 🍇more fun 🍧why settle when you can have all them Juicy,Co-co,Tiny,ciar - 21
(Eastern NC, Jacksonville ,Morehead ,topsail)
__ _ ~ * + * ~ _ _ __ _ _ * Ebony Mix* Beauty * With * Killer * Curves * _ _ __ _ _ ~ * + * ~ _ __ -
·.·.¯`*_ {{SeXy}} _ {SKiLLeD} __ & __ {{{ETReMLy}}} _ {{ADDiCTiVe!}}~ - {CuBaNa} 3472397706 - 22
_______________ ___________ ___________ M E X I C A N A__________ _____________ _______________ - 29
Stunning * ___Bubble Butt___* Angel With the Body of A Goddess !*! !*!5*Star Beauty!*! !* - 24
TS TS ✩┆✯FoRgEt✰┆ ★ThE✪┆✫ReSt✬┆✩CALL✯┆ ✰ThE★┆✪BEST❣❣✫┆✬ ⓛⓞⓞ% ✩┆✯Satisfaction✰┆★(☆ - 26
(Savannah, Savannah GA)
** Lovely chococlate , Big Booty , soft skin, sooo Last Day here !! - 22
(Columbus, *North Columbus)
Leaving at 11am (((@))) Mature Men (((((€)))} Early Meow! WARM Apple PIE Exoti€ Massage Mature Candy - 33
(Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach Atlantic Ocean Front)
💖 💖SENSUAL NUDE Body👙 to Body👠 massage 💞 open to 3AM 🎶🎶📞646~964~5504 - 23
(7th Ave. & W. 28th St. Area, Manhattan, Midtown West)
♥ KiLLER LeGs AnD SmOkiN BoDy ☆ ♥ 5"3 LuSciOuS EbOnY Goddess (* $80 Spec.* - 24
(Eastern NC, Rocky mt (((((in call)))))
Sexy Dominican Girl for you baby.Channel call me #347.303.7157 - 23
(Bronx, Bronx,Manhattan, Yonkers, The Thruway)